Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy - Reviews

Alt titles: Moon-led Journey Across Another World, Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu

Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy
Manthika's avatar
Oct 10, 2019

In a perfect textbook example of “I came looking for copper but I found gold” this is a diamond in the rough.  You go into it expecting isekai, cheats, an OP main character, harem, etc.  Well, you get all that.  But then you get MORE.  You get storyline and plot you weren’t expecting, you get xenophobic racism and confusion, you get amazing things that I want to rant about excitedly but I CAN’T because it would be SPOILERS if I did! 

The further you get through Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu, the more and more you understand why it’s still ongoing and getting more books- it’s actually good.  Every character has their own personality, the art is good in an average way (it isn’t anything pioneering or original art-style wise, but it’s good in the way that it fits in with other great mangas) and every species has their own style and I love it.

Please give this a chance, 10/10 I’d recommend it to anyone who likes isekai.  The first book didn’t seem like it would amount to much other than classic isekai and comedy but geez… did it escalate or what?! Read it, friend.  Read it. 

10/10 story
8/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
MonarqueCeleste's avatar
Jun 17, 2020

This is actually a pretty good manga. I'd even venture to say that this is one of the best isekai manga I've read. There's barely anything wrong with it at all. The plot is good and consistent. The pacing is just perfect and because it comes out every month you can feel that the author is trying their best to produce it. The MC is op but it doesn't feel too overbearing and that's because his character is so well written. I'm usually not a fan of companions in these stories but this manga made me change my views. They aren't just there to fill in a random spot, they are perfect addition to the party and each of them bring something unique. There is no cliche like tsundere, yandere or annoying characters. They all act like adults. 

Each of them has a good character development phase and you can just see them growing with the story. I found the mc annoying at times because he was too passive but he slowly started to stand up on his own. Although i'm not so much a fan of this I like that the author takes the time to explore other characters that are not inside the MC's party. It helps understand the world without having an exposition dump of some sort. You can feel that this is an experienced author and they know the principles of a good story.

9/10 story
7/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
PZcolo's avatar
Aug 21, 2021

Your typical isekai manga with the small twist that the goddess kinda screws him, still, he gets an awesome power from other god, is OP from the get-go and the curse of the goddess is soon circumvented. I like it how it started with him gaining non-human followers but soon it got to go into him dealing with humans and all I can say is it's becoming more and more generic, I would have preferred him as a hero of the non-humans or even neutral and not enemy of the demons but I don't think that's where the story is going. It's been a decent read but I recommend readers to not expect anything neither new nor particularly good about it.
As for the chars, the MC is not bad but a bit boring and he gets pulled into lots of situations thanks to Tomoe and Mio, which are by the way interesting chars, specially Tomoe, she looks dumb but isn't. The other heroes are kinda interesting too thou their story and chars have only barely been presented so far.
In short, it's too soon to tell, so far it's been a decent read and I can see it well as easily as I can imagine it going badly.

Edit (ch 75):
After some interesting parts about the other heroes and a war, the story has gone into a long strech of mostly slice-of-life chapters, there are eventually some relevant content but if the author keeps this much longer this will get boring fast, he seems to be taking his time to create some connections among many of the characters, which is welcome but he's taking it a bit to far imo with stuff like Mio learning cooking and such.
As a whole it's a mildly interesting story kept somewhat engaging mostly by Tomoe and the big amount of relevant cast, the MC is still somewhat bland thou.

6/10 story
7.5/10 art
6.5/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Dec 3, 2019

In a fantasy world, Makoto largely interacts with the demi-humans and other non-humans. In a sense, the goddess of the world cursed fem with the ability to speak all non-human languages (even being able to speak to horses), but made fem unable to speak the human language. Fe did this because Makoto is not beautiful and fe doesn't want fem to contaminate the beautiful human society fe has created. But to be fair, Makoto isn't even intended to be ugly, just average-looking (by our world's standards). But the goddess is selfish, shallow, and exuding those final boss vibes.

Makoto is insanely strong and gains several powerful servants by defeating them in battle: Tomoe, Mio, and eventually Shiki. Once Tomoe becomes feir servant, fe gains the ability to open up a mist realm. This ends up becoming a central aspect of the manga. Tomoe convinces Makoto to build a city within this mist realm and then invites several groups to coexist there: highland orcs, elder dwarves, alkeys, and mistio lizardmen. It reminds me of That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime, in the sense of building a city of monsters which then trades with humans. Tomoe is the impetus for most of the developments and fe is quite possibly my favorite character. (After Ema of course! I totes ship Makoto x Ema!!) Tomoe was able to read Makoto's memories and fell in love with period dramas. Fe wants to replicate Japanese culture within the mist realm and styles femself as a samurai. It's adorable. Though honestly, Mio's not a bad character either. Fe's very simple-minded and just wants to be loved by Makoto. As for side characters, I'd have to say that Rugui has captured my heart. Fe's the eye-patched dwarf who's tasked with designing gear suitable for Makoto, but feir stated motives are, um, funny. I'm not sure how I feel about Rembrant; I both hate fem and distrust fem, but also find fem a bit endearing and want to see how feir story will unfold.

Since the goddess banished Makoto to the wastelands, isolated from humanity, fe brought in two other heroes to the human realm. Every once in a while, the story will show what those heroes are up to. And I really don't enjoy those detours. The heroes aren't interesting protagonists. Or antagonists. They aren't interesting characters really at all and I don't care if they succeed or if they fail. I'm sure eventually, their storylines will intersect more directly with Makoto's and then maybe I'll appreciate the set-up that happened before then, but at the moment I just really don't care.

[Reviewed at chapter 47]

6/10 story
7/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
psychofoenix's avatar
Oct 15, 2023

Why the hell are all the manga scans out there so GAWD DAMN BLURRY?!!! It doesnt clear up until 18 chapter in. I loved the anime and wanted to read the manga but my gawd is hard to get into by the simple fact the scans are so damn bad. It either needs to be redone or all pages ran through a noise reduction filter. Shit is honeslty infuriating. 

8/10 story
2/10 art
8/10 characters
6/10 overall