Tsui no Taimashi: Ender aller Geister - Reviews

Tsui no Taimashi: Ender aller Geister
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Dec 31, 2020

We are thrown into the action a little bit, with things not immediately explained. And there's very little development in any given chapter, so it takes a few chapters for even some of the basic stuff to be explained. For example, it's not until chapter 21 that they start the MC's backstory and explaining what fe is (in regards to the smokey arms shown in the first chapter and stuff). But the basic idea is clear from the get-go: COMMANDOS FIGHTING MONSTERS AND SPIRITS WITH GUNS AND HIGH-TECH GADGETS. The artwork is vivid and pristine and doesn't shy away from including gore. There is some female toplessness...and male toplessness, for what it's worth. The action in the fights is adequate, though I feel it could be better. Also, something about the faces and postures can feel a bit plastic somehow.

Our MC is a cinephile, who is constantly relating things back to famous movies and quotes a couple famous oneliners when they fit. I haven't really found any of the characters to be horribly interesting. The manager is obviously largely intended to act as comic relief, but the comedy doesn't really land for me. I do think the characters and relationships and general story have the potential to grow into something more, but so little happens each chapter that it will probably take a while to do so. So far though, it's been an adequately interesting fighting manga.

[Reviewed at chapter 28]

7/10 story
9/10 art
5/10 characters
6/10 overall