Trick or Treat (Bulgamja) - Reviews

Trick or Treat (Bulgamja)
Failhope's avatar
Oct 12, 2023

The story has a stupidly funny premise. MC is cursed by some kids to not get hard. Thankfully, a pair of ghost hands is there to get him off. Eventually, his roommate, who has a crush on him, also helps him with his "issue".

It's a short story, but it's still good. It left me wanting for more at the end. You should definitely read it. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Curiousmadra's avatar
Aug 21, 2022

Basically Shihyuk has a erectile dysfunction that's been bothering him and apparently he has random ghost hands of nowhere who does *ahem" on his pickle......

Of course he has his sweet roommate that would help him out. Yeah read this you Yaoi fanatics xD

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
0 0 this review is Funny Helpful