Travel To The Cats' Territory

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3.137 out of 5 from 49 votes
Rank #36,817
Travel To The Cats' Territory

Yue Cheng is a young girl who is conducting a research report on stray cats for her school assignment along with her friend Ri Hui. Despite her grandmother’s warning that it’s best not to mess with wild cats, Yue Cheng continues to catch the felines with a net and shave their stomach fur so she can keep track of her research. Then, one day as Yue Cheng chases another “subject” through a pipe, the pair finds themselves in a strange world inhabited by cat-people, where they are promptly arrested and put on trial! Luckily, before receiving their punishment the duo is rescued by a friendly cat spirit named Zhi Liu, but can Yue Cheng understand her wrongdoings and escape back to her own world?

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