"Touto Sugite Yomenaaaaaaai!!" 4P Short Stories - Reviews

Alt title: “It’s Too Precious and Hard to Read!!” 4P Short Stories

"Touto Sugite Yomenaaaaaaai!!" 4P Short Stories
emptymind's avatar
Mar 21, 2023

Cute and very short anthologies about falling in love or the meaning of family. Or, pretty much anything that makes you go "awww!"

A lot of these, for how short they were... Were actually really good. I recommend this because so many of these are hits and did make me saw "awww!" 8/10 would read again

Trigger warnings: age gap, teacher/student relationship, mentions of s/a, little bit of incest

7.5/10 story
7.5/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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