Touhou Bougetsushou: Tsuki no Inaba to Chijou no Inaba - Reviews

Touhou Bougetsushou: Tsuki no Inaba to Chijou no Inaba
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Dec 1, 2020

It's decently amusing, but not impressively humorous. Each chapter is several pages worth of comic strips and consists of events centered around a theme (e.g. cooling off, fishing, snow). We get introduced to various peoples along the way, most of whom only appear once or twice. The vast majority of these extras are girls and they all look pretty similar. The primary characters are the conscientious and gullible Reisen, the rambunctious slugabed Tewi, the cruel disciplinarian Eirin, and the bored bosslady Kaguya. As the series progressed, I grew to appreciate the way their personalities interplayed--comedically. Reisen's pain is pretty central to the humor.

3/10 story
2/10 art
5/10 characters
4/10 overall
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