Tokyo Tarareba Girls - Reviews

Alt title: Tokyo Tarareba Musume

Tokyo Tarareba Girls
TeddyEster's avatar
Aug 5, 2022

Don't get me wrong it was well written story! It was realistic and could be funny at times but i felt the whole time like i was digging a hole. It just got darker and darker and then when i stopt digging and looked up i saw a tiny light. But then it just ended. I hated the ending. I felt that the main character got with the wrong dude and now im sad that i spent a so long time reading this manga... 

7/10 story
7/10 art
5/10 characters
6/10 overall
Curiousmadra's avatar
Jun 21, 2023

I tried liking this manga because this is quite a popular manga too alongside "Princess Jellyfish". As much as it was sorta funny at first seeing a trio of 30-something women moaning about not settling down with mr right and non stop saying they are running out of time.... I would literally walk away from them because THAT IS SO NOT TRUE DAMMIT!

However I felt the guys they met in this story were just meh and the romance was way too fast which I didn't think was right at all. Even worse, most of  the guys are suppose to be married and has a girlfriend. The model lad going for Rinko was the only one not having a partner. I even thought the "cute hallucination icons" were always annoying when the girls were drunk and doubting themselves. They were hardly approachable and didn't give the girls encouragement like all they are doing is feeding them rubbish about themselves being single. It boiled my blood.

Don't let anyone tell ya how to date folks!

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
4/10 overall
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