Tokyo Ghoul - Reviews

Alt title: Tokyo Kushu

Tokyo Ghoul
o6ese's avatar
Dec 9, 2021

first manga ive ever read. goated

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
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crazydutchy's avatar
Sep 3, 2015

Tokyo ghoul is an amazing manga! The story line is very captivating, lots of plot twist and foreshadowing. Its very interesting psychologically. I have read the whole story multiple times and I keep discovering new hints. the one really big down side about Tokyo ghoul is the ending, it broke my hart in to a million pieces. But the story is so good it’s definitely worth it. The story took me in immediately, during the middle part there are some chapters that might seem a little on the slow side but once you have read them you will start to appreciate it and later see more depth  

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
10/10 overall
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thor123's avatar
Apr 6, 2015

Because of the popularity of this manga, and the harsh critiques the anime counterpart received, most people with an interest in manga or anime have probably heard the name Tokyo Ghoul already. And in my opinion, you should at least give it a try.

Story and characters

So, what is Tokyo Ghoul even about anyway? Well, it's about ghouls... in Tokyo. Surprising, isn't it? Well, more accurately: it's about a version of Tokyo in which humans and ghouls - who look just like humans, but only eat human meat - coexist, although not all that peacefully (yeah, no kidding). 

We are introduced to this world through the experiences of the main character: Ken Kaneki, an ordinary college student who loves reading, and whose fate changes overnight because he decided on the wrong girl to date. And the struggles he goes through because of that new fate, make him a very interesting character that gets swept away in the great stream of happenings in that version of Tokyo: clashes with police forces, encounters with ghouls - both enemy and friendly - and the choices set in front of Kaneki all make it very interesting to see him go through his new life. The manga delves into his psyche, and somehow it feels like the mess that is Kaneki's mind is a more powerful form of horror than cannibalism is. Or at least, that was my experience.

Another nice thing is the interesting dynamic between the various people who are part of the Ghoul Investigation Squads (the "Doves"), Kaneki, and the various groups of Ghouls who all have different views on how to deal with the Doves (e.g. avoid them or attack them). Lots of the characters of each faction get fleshed out very well, and it's nice to see their developing stances too. The fact that it's often hard to tell who the bad guys are opens the opportunity for these kinds of changes - "grey" characters can be found everywhere in this manga.

It should be noted that the fights are all very good too: even if it's one-sided, somehow the gruesomeness of the situation and the character interactions manage to keep things interesting. 

One last thing: the ending is a cliffhanger, because the series is continued in Tokyo Ghoul: Re. Just a fair warning, in case you only want to read completed stories (:Re isn't finished yet).


The artwork is far from perfect: characters don't always looks realistic, with abnormal proportions at times, and backgrounds aren't always that good. However, it's still pretty decent, and somehow the art doesn't have to be great: it still works damn well to picture the horror of the situations, the darkness inside the characters and the areas around them. And hey, as oh so often: the art only gets better with time.

Overall: This is a manga that I definitely recommend if you're looking for some more serious or "dark" series. 

8.5/10 story
7.5/10 art
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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kredensikmalowany's avatar
Apr 14, 2017

How ideal for me. The storyline itself is excellent and enjoyable to look at. I really like this movie and I am unable to do without it. I suggest to everybody and it is very tight!

9/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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shibarino's avatar
Aug 6, 2018

awesome manga, and it ended on a strong cliffhanger for :re

9/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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