They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter - Reviews

Alt title: Wangui Ttallo Taeeonatdago Hamnida

They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter
Raghd2002's avatar
Dec 23, 2018

for all those who read this, I think we can all agree that it’s story is spectacular.

the plot is really good, it’s about a girl reborn as a princess we’re women are nothing more the tools to produce sons , she tries to win her father (the king) and her brothers affection .

she basically tries to change that worlds view of women.

for those who like a heroine to live in a different world then I totally recommend it

10/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
AllyyKat's avatar
Feb 5, 2020

I've read almost two hundred chapters and i think ive had enough. It's a misogynist's wet dream. You get strong vibes that because she was so cruel to 'lead men on' in her past life, she must endure being abused in her second. I mean, it's so cruel to trick men into falling in love with your beauty and then not put out. right? While the story flows nicely, i dislike most of the characters. The worst of them all is the male lead. F**k that guy. 

7/10 story
4/10 art
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
Kristantine's avatar
Oct 20, 2020

At the start, the story was actually pretty good. A girl that uses her wits in a world where men are dominant. She sucks up to them at first because, you know, she's a girl, she has no rights. 

I was hoping that later on in the story that she'd actually develop and change the sexism in this society, but no. She didn't really grow up to be the strong female protagonist I wanted her to be.

Personally I thought the art was alright, at the start. However, just like the story, the art got worse for some reason. How does that even HAPPEN?!

Everyone looks like a kid now, even the main character's dad, at least they looked like adult before. Not too mention that the eyes got farther apart, making them look stupid.

Nothing was special about any of the characters, prettty adequate.

Overall, this manhwa is bland and average. It's like the gum you chew that slowly loses its flavor. I do not recommend reading this manhwa. Don't waste your time.

4/10 story
5/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
Thatblackhairedgirl's avatar
Sep 7, 2021

I dropped it I just couldn't because like the  mysognism thought the entire manhwa just impossible like I get so angry but considering the fact she is in mysognsit world she adapts and us able to attempt to overcome the mysognsim 

8/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
SenseiMedo's avatar
Feb 14, 2023

This series is sooo good i have binge read it at least 4 times so far and many times i think of it fondly and jsut want to re-read again and again. Its unbeliavably wholesome and mc dad and family is amazing. 

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall