The White Cat's Revenge as Plotted from the Dragon King's Lap - Reviews

Alt title: Fukushuu wo Chikatta Shironeko wa Ryuuou no Hiza no Ue de Damin wo Musaboru

The White Cat's Revenge as Plotted from the Dragon King's Lap
RavensFlight's avatar
Oct 16, 2023

Of course another one with a pretty common trope, but it modifies it a little! It's not just that the mc wants nothing to do with the spotlight, or is suspicious of the government, or anything of that sort. She just wants literally nothing to do with the other summoned girl, ever. It's cozy and cute, hitting the best parts of isekai they always forget to add. Little bit of romance, little bit of war, minimal politics, cute animals, good old fluff! Hopefully it continues on well. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
atypicalfangirl's avatar
Feb 23, 2023

I got two words that put this manga over the top for me and a must-read, "the fairies". Their "beloved child" has to constantly make them promise not to destroy nations, it's hilarious.

9/10 story
9/10 art
8.5/10 characters
9/10 overall
Luxie27's avatar
Nov 1, 2021

Not really a review. Is this dropped?? I waited months for new updates, and I liked this so much..

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
10/10 overall
Rimurutempest01's avatar
Aug 9, 2021

The story and the art and the characters are all good but the slow release is what gets me but otherwise it is a very good manga. i recommend it for people who want the story to be funny and a little bit of slice of life

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
8/10 overall
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nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Mar 19, 2019

From the first scene and the title, you know that Ruri is a cat sitting on the dragon king's lap, but it takes a few chapters before you see how the story got to that point. Fe starts out as a human and it's not until chapter five, that you're like, "Oh, so that's how fe became a cat" and not until chapter eight, that you're like "Oh, so that's how fe started living with the dragon king." Ruri doesn't seem to be in a rush to get anything done and the manga has a nice, comfortable pacing because of that. I look forward to how the story will continue to slowly unpack more and more details about the world and relationships.

The art is beautiful and adorable, though some of the beastkin's noses are drawn a bit awkwardly. I love the ornate flowers drawn outside of some of the panels, purely for decorative purposes.

Ruri and Chelsea are both engaging characters. Asahi's not a super interesting character, but fe's a good catalyst for non-malicious conflict. Fe's airheaded and Ruri resents fem for being a constant plague on feir life. The dragon king, Jade, has yet to develop into a strong character, but fe's just supposed to be a love interest so I guess it's acceptable for feir primary character traits to be hotness and enjoying petting Ruri. I am curious to see how the inevitable romance between Ruri and Jade will play out. Hopefully, it'll be adorable.

[Reviewed at chapter 11]

10/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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