The Unwanted Undead Adventurer

Alt title: Nozomanu Fushi no Boukensha

Vol: 12+; Ch: 61+
2017 - ?
4.053 out of 5 from 1,600 votes
Rank #2,680
The Unwanted Undead Adventurer

It's been ten years since Rentt Faina, a down-on-his luck Bronze-class adventurer, set his eyes on becoming Mithril-class. Unfortunately, Rentt finds himself helpless when confronted by a legendary Dragon in the Labyrinth of the Moon's Reflection...and is summarily eaten. But Rentt has miraculously a Skeleton?!

Source: J-Novel Club

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Chapter 1

The Unwanted Undead Adventurer (Manga) Volume 1

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One of the central themes in this story is the idea of people going beyond their normal line of duty to have compassion on their fellow humans--how our interactions should be more than just transactional in nature and we should have empathy for others. We see this portrayed through Lento's past when fe was a bronze level adventurer and helped people out with feir knowledge. And after Lento dies and is reborn as a skeleton monster, we see this compassionate nature from Lento's friends who immediately recognize this disguised figure as Lento, but pretend not to realize it's fem because fe seems to want to keep it a secret. But more to the point, feir friends are willing to help fem out despite the fact that fe's turned into a monster and they're technically supposed to turn fem in--they disregard the laws of society out of empathy and love.  Other than that, it's a lot of grind and clash type storytelling. Fe defeats monsters, finds hidden rooms, gets stronger. Probably the most thrown-in, plot-armory advancement in the story is when fe's given the Map of Akasha. And the most interesting aspect of the story is seeing how fe's evolving from one type of monster into another. Fe starts out as a skeleton, then fe becomes a ghoul, then a thrall. And Lorraine studies feir physiology as fe's going through these changes and fe gains new abilities and stuff. Some of the character designs are inspired. Lento is the main character and I think the outfit fe eventually dons is really appealing. And even though Idres barely shows up in the story, fe really made an impression on me. Specifically feir hairstyle. I love it! Most of the other characters are okay, but I feel I have to mention the worst character design by far. The blacksmith Clove looks absolutely horrible. It's like fe has a wig on or something. I cringe and want to avert my eyes every time I see fem (which unfortunately is more frequently than I see the gorgeous Idres). Dragons in this world have a unique design. They have the torso of a human, a tail of a wispy snake, angelic wings, and a beak head. [Reviewed at chapter 20]

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