The Unquenchable Mr. Kim

Alt titles: Hoesawon K-ui Bimil, K's Secret

Ch: 61
2018 - 2021
4.072 out of 5 from 2,542 votes
Rank #2,332
The Unquenchable Mr. Kim

Seemingly ordinary office employee Kim Doyoon has a secret he can't tell anyone: he's actually a half-vampire whose body can't handle drinking blood, so he survives by absorbing the sexual energy of humans. He hasn't "fed" in a while and his health is starting to decline as a result, so he decides to go looking for a new sex partner - and accidentally propositions his boss! Now the smitten company director Lee Kangwoo has decided the two of them are dating, but Doyoon's condition continues to deteriorate in spite of having found a new partner. Kangwoo is determined to find out what Doyoon is hiding, but what will happen if he discovers his subordinate-turned-lover is not exactly human?

Includes 10 extra chapters.

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i have SO MANY mixed feelings about this story. the plot is not really that interesting, not super predictable but not creative either. the romantic plot is your average cliche + feelings and relationship developing faster than light speed. the amount of eye-rolls i made at the typical 'asking you out of nowhere to live with me' (not really asking, more like informing) or 'taking you shopping and paying all your clothes eventhough you don't want me too' or 'waking before you and making you a delicious breakfast you didn't even know i was capable of' scenes. everything was so cliché. art is good and it gets better as the chapters go, you can clearly see an evolution. characters all suck except jooyoung. seme is manipulative, controlling and gives kinda obsessed vibes. their relationship is toxic and manipulative. uke is bland, your average pushover. bread without salt. at first i didn't dislike him but as the story progressed i kinda got annoyed by him. there are times in the manhwa where i don't dislike them, others i do... like i said: mixed feelings. now jooyoung, jooyoung is the reason you should read this. not just his character design (he's so hot help, what a crush) but his personality. he's funny, charismatic, bold, caring, warm, kind-hearted.... he will pull you through this comic because you want to see him smile and happy at the end (and also see more of him because he really is super beautiful). it really is worth it to read this for him. the only interesting, emotional parts of this story are his arcs. so, my final thoughts are: this probably won't become one of your favourite comics unless you like or don't mind clichéed romantic stories and stories with nothing original happening, but it's not bad, the art is good, and it's worth it for one (1) character that deserves the world.

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