The Tainted Half

Alt title: Banjjok

Ch: 40
2022 - 2023
3.946 out of 5 from 556 votes
Rank #5,576
The Tainted Half

Seolha’s face was disfigured by her mother, who sought to deny the emperor his prize: the most beautiful concubine in the world. Now forced to endure a lifetime of abuse, Seolha can only pin her hopes on Muon, the emperor’s twin brother. But is he really someone she can trust?

Source: Manta Comics

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Trigger Warnings/Spoilers There is a lot that goes on in this mahwa, and all I can is trigger warnings everywhere: Abuse (Financial, Physical and, Emotional) self harm, murder/genecide. Honestly this is a lot, and might trigger some people, so please read with caution. Emotional Abuse: the emperor has a harem and has the FL come into his bed chambers to watch him have sex with the other women in the harem. He has her come in front of everyone and show her scar, degrading and humiliating her because of it. One time it was to make one of the women in the harem loose her appetite because she was eating too much. Then the other times he does this when he tells people he can't get it up because her scar is too ugly/disgusting (which sounds like a personal issue mfer). Physical Abuse: this asshat of an emperor literally kicks her down a flight of stairs in front of everyone: the harem, generals, politicians, and servants. Finacial Abuse: gives her the shitty little hut that falling apart, with little to no money to fix anything, and one to two servant. While everyone gets to live in lavish homes, with dozens of servants. Murder/genecide: Her clan was slaughtered/killed themselves (at the moment its to be determined).  Self Harm: she hurts herself to give people blood in order to save them, and she literally burns her own face every month or so to keep the burn mark on her face, to keep the emperor away.  The emperor is a piece of shit, asshole (this mfer is the reason the character rating is so low). But the brother on the other hand, is a big old sarcastic and respectful teddy bear. The FL is sweet and innocent, but not naive or gullible. She has a plan and she wants to stick to it, and she will do whatever she has to do it. She's honestly commendable, because after everything she has been through, she still remains hopeful and optimistic.  Update: April 2023 I finished reading it, and it was great. The FL does become hesitant and conflicted concerning her next moves, because she did fall in love with the ML, the emperor's brother. Although she was conflicted about her choices, she made the one she thought was best, and did run away. The ML did come back for her, at the end, once everything was settled. So we go get to see that happily ever after moment for the FL, and her servant; yes, we do get to her happily ever after too. The ML is very cunning, smart, and ambitious; I'd say he's make an excellent emperor, far better than this brother. Also I love how madly in love he is with the FL, risking everything for her, and leaving his life in her hand. Even going as far as to say, he wouldn't mind dying if it was at her hands. I don't typically like those scenes, but that line and panel just hit different. The ML loved the moment he saw her, and everything he did was to protect her, even the mass genocide/suicide of her clan, was all to protect her. It's crazy because not only did everyone in the clan go along with it (I assume, that was not clarified completely) but he thought of this plan as pre-teen/teenager. It just shows how scary, but brilliant the ML is.  But overall, this is quick story someone can read in a day; and I definitely recommend it, if you can handle heavy topic likes these. 


well, I'm one of those that saw the ads over and over again so I gave it a try 😙😙 FIRST OFF the ads gave off another vibe and when I started reading it was like a different story, I thought the relationship between the brother and girl (bruh I finished reading like four days ago and I already forgot their names lol) was forbidden, but apparently the king allowed it. Anyway plot, it wasn't bad there were sometimes that I actually got excited to see the brother making moves AAAAH but honestly I felt that both brothers were using her something sooo idk how real the love was. But it was different. I don't ususlaly read historical manhwas but it was good, nothing too remarkable tho. The art damnnn, it is so beautiful from the men to the women and the children 😫😫 the artist CAN DRAW, I didn't like that they reuse the main characters' faces to explain the legend, it got confusing. Now the characters, even after finishing the sort I still can't trust Muon... Like in a way he used the fl to break the curse... so does he rlly love her? OH the king's death was so satisfying to read, he deserved it 🤭🤭. BUT MY BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT WAS THE FACT THAT IT WAS PG13. Either give me no seggs scenes but insinuation OR raw seggs scenes. Whatever the fuck they did in this manhwa 😀🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 WHY WAS IT COVERED, like ..AAAAAH I HATED IT. It's silly, it's dumb, it looks stupid. If you're gonna draw the characters touching each other then show it all or DONT at all. It is such a pet peeve for me, feels like I am reading a children's book. Anyway. Overall it wasn't bad, but I wouldn't read it again.  Now u i say that i read the manhwa from the ads hehe. But ye 7.4

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