The Strongest Florist - Reviews

Alt title: Kkonman Kiuneunde Neomugangham

The Strongest Florist
Tomodovodoo's avatar
Aug 21, 2020

In this kind of manga it isn't about the story or the game-breaking development or anything but the protagonist becoming overpowered while he wants to relax. And until now, the manga has perfectly achieved that!

Art is decent, it's better than most manhuas but pales in comparison to great manhwas. 

Characters are decent enough for this specific genre. To be honest, the manhwa has really dropped off for me after 100 chapters. There's just no character development.

Story is basically like every OP hyper realistic vr game story ever. Quests are generated by an AI so everything is not preprogrammed and he thus gets OP because of luck. AI seems to favour this guy tremendously because he "doesn't play like others". That basically means he is exploring what he wanted to do in the real world. It also means he doesn't give a shit about core gameplay and focuses only on 1 random subject.

All in all nothing new storywise but a makeover on an overused genre.

And that was exactly what I was looking for 2 years ago. But sometimes you just want to read something you've read before, just in a new wrapping. Sadly, at present time 2022, this manhwa is just not among the best, or even among the mediocre ones.

So my 2022 update: The story seems very linear at this point, thus dropping the rating from a 7 to a 6

6/10 story
7.5/10 art
5.5/10 characters
6/10 overall
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Jul 27, 2020

The story's still pretty new, but I can already see some problems developing. Fe gets titles and skills far too easily, and they often seem to act as plot armor. There is way too much fighting for a player who only wants to play the game in order to be a florist, with the current adventure seeming to have nothing to do with flowers or even plants. Though I guess at least the overarching quest fe got for achieving the job of "Spirit Gardener" involves plantlife, even if it also involves preventing the extinction of elvenkind. It's stupid how fe's able to fight decently well simply by smashing people with a Seed; feir job isn't even combat-oriented, so fe should be suffering a lot more combat-wise. The joke of fem looking scary, but actually being a flower-loving softie is already getting old, especially when it leads to supposed veteran players like those in the Prime Guild overestimating feir abilities by appearance alone.

[Reviewed at chapter 14]

5/10 story
6/10 art
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
Manthika's avatar
Jun 6, 2020

Large, muscular Korean man whose father has always pushed him to be a strong fighter has had trouble with misunderstandings since childhood due to his scary face and large body.  Really, all he wants to do is grow flowers and live out his dream of owning a flower shop- but he’s allergic to flowers, and is bad at raising plants irl, and even worse- his dad would totally kill him if he knew he had this kind of unmanly hobby!  Guess it’s okay to try to reach this goal in a virtual world where allergies don’t exist, right? 

Throw in some ‘walking the road less traveled’ tropes, some op special class, and fantasy things, mix well with good art, and you have another cute and fun VRMMORPG manhwa, though it’s not all that original.  Still a good read so far.

6/10 story
8/10 art
5/10 characters
7/10 overall
Shwiftymango's avatar
Jan 8, 2021

i look forwad to to next chapter it is kind of wholesome seeing a guy who loves flowers persue his pasions.It is not serious about the game i feel like the game is just annother part of the story and if your main foucous is the game mechanics in the story you are missing the point of the story

7/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
v1ad's avatar
Feb 9, 2021

The story is original and the mc is endearing.

8/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall