The Spooky Love Tale of Gongchan Seol - Reviews

Alt title: Seolgongchanjeon

The Spooky Love Tale of Gongchan Seol
Minnirou's avatar
Mar 25, 2024

The story just ends. 

The author stops the idea of the story being fantasy and instead making it psychological; but it just ends there as soon as it's introduced.

The psychological theory that Youngmin is intentionally hallucinating didn't make sense. As well as the plot hole that they are hallucinating the exact same thing. It's one thing when they see the things in Gongchan's novel, because Youngmin reads it before hand, and another thing when they see the exact thing Gongchan imagined on the spot.

A collective hallucination would usually be based on the same idea, picture, movie or something the pair or group have witnessed before. But they don't really have that when Gongchan imagines something on the spot. And since the story doesn't have perspectives, I'm forced to assume that they see the exact same thing in the same detail.

So the only reasonable assumption i would have is that it was real. Because if it weren't, their hallucinations would differ.

If it was expanded on then I'd have something; but instead it makes their relationship more uncomfortable than it already was. It creates this manipulative trap that Youngmin created to keep Gongchan with him. 

6/10 story
7/10 art
5/10 characters
6/10 overall
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gayflower's avatar
May 7, 2023

in general i quite liked reading this. the base plot is good, the characters are fun, and its a good level of creepy. there are a few complaints i have though. to start, i really liked the first season but the second season kind of just became boring. they sortve dropped the horror part and it just wasnt that interesting. second, the ending was super abrut. like i didnt even realize it was over until i saw that there was no next button. it felt rushed and imcomplete; especially since they had just brought up a new concept in the middle of the chapter that i expected they wouldve delved into. another thing is that it felt like the relationship was becoming borderline toxic and i wish they wouldve done something to imporve that part. 

TLDR- in gerneral a good story with some downs. if youre senitive about incomplete endings i wouldnt recomend it.

7/10 story
8/10 art
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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n0bbin's avatar
Mar 8, 2023

Contains minor spoilers

I usually like paranormal fiction but the romance completely ruined it for me. Gongchan and Youngmin are insufferable, and their dynamic just doesn't resonate with me. Both are so self-centered, it's like reading a fanfic where Sheldon Cooper is paired with himself, which is a shame because I actually really like the art. The paranormal stuff also falls flat because the manifestations don't actually do anything, at least not until where I stopped reading. This review is harsh but I might pick it up again because this is still better than half the stuff out there, so I would encourage anyone reading this to try it out and please come back and tell me if I'm crazy for not liking it.

6/10 story
9/10 art
1/10 characters
4.2/10 overall
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Kandyky's avatar
Feb 22, 2023

It was rlly good I enjoyed it a lot the charecters were cute the couple was rlly cute and I liked the story and everything recommend  for a light fluffy read

8.5/10 story
8/10 art
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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meewo's avatar
Oct 28, 2021

It's a little rushed, but overall an adorable story.

9/10 story
8/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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