The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent

Alt title: Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu

Vol: 8+; Ch: 35+
2017 - ?
4.068 out of 5 from 1,137 votes
Rank #2,398
The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent

Sei, a 20-year-old office worker, is whisked away to a whole new world. Unfortunately for Sei, the ritual that summoned her—meant to produce a “Saint” who would banish the dark magic—brought two people over instead of one. And everyone prefers the second girl over Sei?! But this is just fine by Sei, who leaves the royal palace to set up shop making potions and cosmetics with her newfound magic. Business is booming, and this might not be such a bad life, after all…as long as her supposed Sainthood doesn’t come back to haunt her.

Source: Seven Seas

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This manga probably doesn't work very well for a more mature audience."Sei", the protagonist is the perfect representation of what shoujo mangas in general, try to convey as the "perfect Japanese woman". She has no personality other than being kind, hardworking and low maintenance.The story develops for her to "shine" but in that unsatisfactory way where the protagonist is always pushed by other characters because she is "too modest to have ambition".I have nothing against a character without ambition, on the contrary, but I really hate it when the protagonist doesn't want to follow a path, but is forced to and everyone acts like it's beautiful and satisfying because she's getting recognition, but is a recognition she didn't want, in a pushy and forceful way.  She is just TOO passive. Everybody assumes she will help, even though she was summoned against her will and ignored, and guess what? She helps. Sometimes it seems like she's going to set limits... and then she ends up just going with the flow again. It's really frustrating this idea that she's "more like a saint" because she's passive. I don't really know how to explain this, but it's as if Japanese shoujo authors tried to convince you that the perfect woman doesn't want anything, doesn't complain about anything, and just accepts everything with a smile. It's similar when in josei, MC has to be chaste and not desire any contact or romance, like a doll without personality, which makes ML end up a bit rapey since she has to reject any contact to be considered pure. You can see more of the author's outdated thinking when the other girl who was summoned is seen as someone "less than saintly" because of the prince's actions. It seems that no one realizes that neither "Sei" nor the other girl had any obligation to help these people who basically kidnapped them. But they still think they have the right to judge. AND NO. This arrogance is not portrayed as arrogance, but as an absolutely common attitude, even from Sei's allies.I'm sure the other girl will end up being a villain, but as far as I read, she hadn't done anything wrong, but everyone was already complaining about her... She doesn't heal some soldiers, but that's because the prince didn't want to take her.She goes to train in a forest to "level up" but considering that they want her to go face monsters, they are not doing more than their obligation, but they still complain that some soldiers had to go and take care of her. In the end, this is one of those mangas where the protagonist is generic, the people around her are annoying to anyone with a sense of justice, and the world is so uninspired that it hurts.

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