The Part-time Housekeeper! - Reviews

The Part-time Housekeeper!
WangXianUwU's avatar
Jan 26, 2023

I can't say that I'd recommend this tbh, the story was shit, the characters were rough, but the art was great. The seme is a complete asshole and suddenly he catches feels and becomes a bit nicer and the uke somehow accepts his feelings when he gets confessed to even tho he only thought the dude was attractive and rich never thought anything more on him. Them becoming a couple at the end wasn't a feel good moment and it ended so abruptly and felt like a cliff hanger on how tf they just happened. The side characters are quickly swept away like why even bring em or even notion that the friend has feelings. This just wasn't it. I mean who just forgives some asshole that kicked you out after sex AND "paid" for it... and then you end up working for them and they treat you like shit the whole time and then suddenly they catch feelings and you just forget and give in? Nah. 

3/10 story
8.5/10 art
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
lilTaiga's avatar
Jun 14, 2021

The story was ⚡Quick⚡ bam bam nothing 

The seme is shit he's stuck up plain no flavour and spoiled. he showed no feelings until last chapter, it felt like both characters didn't truly liked each other  and it was plain and awkward.  And to be honest it wasn't about the length either, I have read alot that where shorter with  way better stories and characters. 

This was plain and shitty 😒the uke  could have been better of with his friend who didn't even get a chance to confess to him even tho he seemed to care about him a lot more then shitty blondie.


3/10 story
10/10 art
3/10 characters
2/10 overall
vanced's avatar
Apr 30, 2023

MEH. I loved the art style.

Overall the story kind of had potential but it was way too fast paced and quick. One moment they met next moment they hated each other and then theres the friend, overall way too fast. Also so many plotlines/things that couldve been explained better?

3/10 story
9/10 art
2/10 characters
4.5/10 overall
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