The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild - Reviews

Alt title: Jipchak Seobeu Namjuga Michyeonalttwinda

The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild
MidnightLace's avatar
Mar 13, 2023

Not gonna lie, the promo chapter had me hooked, and hooked good. The story seemed interesting and art was beautiful. To my disappointment, it’s kinda falling short of my expectations.

  • The art is not my favorite; it’s more on the cartoony side. No shade to this style of art, but the dimensions seem a little wonky. I don’t know I just don’t like it.
  • Once again the FL’s family is utter trash. Another father blaming the child for the death of the mother, then abusing, torturing, and neglecting the FL. While simultaneously, allowing others to mistreat her. Only thing I ask, is that they get their karma, and when the father of the FL dies, the mother tells him how much she’s disappointed in him just before he goes to hell.
  • Also, there is an all-knowing omnipotent god-like being in the story, they a little to vague for my liking; like you could drop a little more clues or hints to help the FL, cause home girl was struggling. Cuz, I was really doubting them for a minute, a few times, but things turned out okay. But, they’re doing a better job than most god-like beings in other manhwas, so I can’t complain too much.
  • The pacing — it’s too fast, way too fast, to the point where I question if I miss stuff. One panel she’s accepting the mine from her cousin, the next she’s figuring out her it’s not a gold mine but a black crystal mine, and the next she’s making money like crazy with her new in invention. This isn’t a race; and if it was, ya’ll gotta remember the tortoise won for a reason.

Also, is this an isekai or reincarnation manhwa? Like with how fast this sucker is, I don’t even know. Either it passed right over my head cause I’m dumb, or they didn’t clarify it properly, cause I don’t know or remember. So if anyone knows, please let me know, and thank you in advance! 

5/10 story
4/10 art
6/10 characters
5/10 overall
AthyFairy's avatar
Feb 10, 2024

i've read a bunch of isekai romance manga, this one is really cliche and predictable. very average in plot and character development

i gave it a go because the art is not bad, but would skip 

4/10 story
7/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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Missdiamond's avatar
Aug 3, 2023

The plot is very typical, poor writing, shallow characters, and the art is okay-ish but inconsistent. The FL doesn't help elevate this manhwa. She's boring and the type of FL that can potentially piss you off. I've read up to chapter 30, and so far I feel the title is misleading. ML didn't show obsessive traits, imo he was a green flag and normal guy. Idk if it's just not active yet, lol.

4/10 story
6/10 art
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
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AFL's avatar
Jun 7, 2023

Art is okay, but the other things about this manhwa are all over the place lol. Pacing is very fast like within 4~5 panels the bish realized what's the fl's story and planned to ruin everything in the next 4~5 panels. ML is a puppy type, but he kinda acts slow and stupid at times like he is really dense idk. At first I thought these are coz of bad tl, but id think that's the case anymore. Maybe author is a first time writer or this is her first manhwa or smth. Maybe not in the art area, but as for the story, characters development and pacing I CAN DO A MUCH BETTER JOB I AM SURE OF IT. so no I am dropping.

4/10 story
7/10 art
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
peekachu's avatar
Jun 6, 2023

the story had an alright premise. It could have been better, had the ml been not so stupid and rigid in his ways. I don't understand what the authors want to convey by such braindead stories and characters.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
4.5/10 overall