The Good Teacher - Reviews

The Good Teacher
FreakyGAL's avatar
Oct 24, 2020


this is good, trust me!

its about a college boy who got dumbed by his boyfriend because he's bad at sex then he saw a post online that says it will teach him how to have "proper" sex

the post was a dare that the "uke's" friend made when they were drunk and the "seme" saw it when he was also drunk and then made an "appointment" and that's how it all started

i think it has good plot and I totally recommend 

it was a little short for me though

Anyways, they started meeting up and having sex 

one thing I like about it was that there were no misunderstandings it's just that the uke is a liar who hesitated to tell the truth, the seme was a little disappointed but it didn't last long they made up the next day, it's so cute

and the uke's ex was fine as hell and he was pretty understanding and didn't do anything psychopathic 

I read this on mangaowl all 40 chapters 

ur welcome! 
I thought this needed a good review because the review I saw was total bullshit 

it's not a bad manhwa it's cute and erotic so do take time outta yo day to read, u know u not doing anything cause of corona

7/10 story
8/10 art
7.5/10 characters
8.6/10 overall
YaoiGodAbove20's avatar
Jan 25, 2021

The premise is ridiculous yes I dun mind it coz it could easily end up as a fun read like "shame application"-using deception as a method to indulge in SEX with the other party and such. Chapter 1 was promising, Ahn's friends seem like carefree hangout buddies which you would wanna see more of. Plus, there's plentiful sex to quench some of y'all's fujothirsts. AND THAT'S IT apart from that, those are the few good bits I could think of after reading it. If you're just here to watch some scammer giving fake physical sex eds to a naive top then you have my reassurance, OR if you're here seeking for yaoi with a solid story then hun, you can move on to others coz the later chapters got really boring. Only Ahn's friends managed to liven up the boringass atmosphere in this yaoi 

2/10 story
8/10 art
3.7/10 characters
4.3/10 overall
Minnirou's avatar
Apr 15, 2024

The ex was annoying and I wondered why he was given time in the first place. Seunghyun and Hojun kept allowing him to be close and all up in their business. 

Secondly the drunk scene felt uncomfortable since you cant really consider that consensual. 

Lastly the story was mid. There wasn't much substance. The main characters relationship development wasn't bad but wasn't good enough. If the ex wasn't there so often to fill up pages, I don't think the story would be this long. It'd be more of a short story with a straight line than anything else. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
4/10 overall
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RavenKth23's avatar
May 9, 2022

As the author says is a lighthearted romance that you can read at once. It was a good read!

7/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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