The Fierce Illegitimate Miss (Novel) - Reviews

Alt titles: Shu Nu Jiu Yao Hen (Novel), The Illegitimate Miss Must Be Fierce (Novel)

The Fierce Illegitimate Miss (Novel)
elineaestelle832's avatar
Jul 28, 2021

Since it's a novel, please ignore the art score.

At first, I had a mix feeling about the main character. Yes, she is strong and able to get revenge by her own hands, which is cool. But, I just can't help but feel her character to be too cold. Again, it's understandable as to why she became cold in this life, but sometimes it puts me off a little. Only after she realized the male character's love for her is genuine, that the story became more enjoyable to me as she's not that grumpy(?) all the time anymore. Thankfully the ending could made up her character. The bond between the ML and FL flows quite interesting, hence why I continue and finish this novel in a few days.

8.5/10 story
10/10 art
8.5/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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