The Boy and the Sea - Reviews

Alt title: Badaga Sonyeonege

The Boy and the Sea
OneEyeMonkey's avatar
Dec 3, 2021

This one is just classic romance nothing special if you like this gener then you will like this but if you care more about some unique things that happens in story there is nothing like that. First half feels empty it has nothing in it that would go me oh this one is great i want to keep reading but thankfully pasing was done fine so even thought it feels like a romantic story that was done 1000000 times by now it was fast reading second half got a little better but overall this story was so predictible all events were like something you saw already5000 times. Romance between charcters was done fairly good thought its short webtoon so there raent many things that give you resone why they ended up together. So i think to emprove story it would needed to be longer and had some plottwist so it can be at least a little unique.

Art is good and all things fit together but its nothing impressive.

Main cahracters are done realy well but side characters feel pointless you could have MMC to be solits pointless having him to be part of group since those characters feel so unnatural...

7/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall