The Beautiful Skies of Houou High

Alt title: Houou Gakuen Misoragumi

Vol: 4; Ch: 22
2008 - 2010
3.744 out of 5 from 569 votes
Rank #15,781
The Beautiful Skies of Houou High

Kei Saeba isn't your typical girl – she's manly and is in love with the fairer sex, much to her mother's dismay. And so, now that Kei is ready to begin high school, her mother secretly enrolls the girl into an all-boys school in hopes of changing her sexuality – an action that Kei is less than thrilled with once she discovers the truth. Now, for the next three years, Kei must pretend to be a boy and keep her secret safe, lest the school get a bad reputation from its wealthy benefactors. How will Kei cope with being surrounded by men, when all she wants is a lovely lady by her side?

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