The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower - Reviews

Alt title: Tutorial Tabui Goinmul

The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower
DreadfullyAwful's avatar
Apr 20, 2022

Fairly average across the board. Each 'arc' has the exact same beats to it and becomes brutally predictable. The main character's actions and his self proclaimed morality are constantly in contradiction, and the side characters just sort of bend to it. Gets the job done, nothing special.

5/10 story
5/10 art
2/10 characters
4/10 overall
Headon's avatar
Nov 6, 2023

This story was quite a good story. All the way up to chapter 176 that is. Chapter 176 has Jesus portrayed as a demon. This is one of the more disrespectful things I've seen in a series such as this. I have dropped it since. The funny part is, I was quite angry when I saw that Asura had dropped this series, but now, I can see why.


6/10 story
9/10 art
7/10 characters
3/10 overall
uniDJar's avatar
Dec 14, 2022

A pretty decent manhwa with an OP MC and a lot of funny moments.

MC who got trapped in the tutorial tower for 12 years became OP and finally comes out and decides to find the being which imprisoned him and "have a talk with him". Many other interesting things happen along the way and the story is neatly sewed together even though their are more than 140 chapters right now. The progression is fast which some might like and others might not. But I personally found it enjoyable. The only con that I can think of is the constant bantering by the two female leads for MC's attention which gets a little boring after a while.

MC is OP, arrogant, funny and stubborn as hell. The other characters are also pretty interesting. The art is above average and has a consistency on its quality.

Chapters read : 141

8/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Hoplite's avatar
Aug 3, 2022


the story is quite good. the way the mysteries appear and the MC slowly figures stuff out over time is great. well written and thought out.  the story is also quite funny at times.



the art is alright, nothing special but definitely not bad. i do hate it when they add images from external sources (like a picture of a real object) and this does appear here but its nothing too destructive.



the MC is not bad but not lovable. this is especially true in the beginning as it does get better later on, he still has a terrible personality but it becomes less annoying and somtimes a bit humorous (i don't know if its the personality that changed or if its me who go used to it). early on what i found most annoying was the MC's terrible patience. for someone who was stuck in a tower for 12 years he should have an amazing level of patience but nope, none existent


overall, if you like modern dungeon stories with some good mysteries than this is worth reading.


this was written at chapter 94

8/10 story
?/10 art
7.5/10 characters
8/10 overall
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