Tales of Demons and Gods - Reviews

Alt title: Yaoshenji

Tales of Demons and Gods
ErbaiPeaks's avatar
Nov 25, 2022

Grade: D Naruto from Wish is super epic strong, gets all the old masters to kowtow and gets all the women.

Spoilers! Nothing major here but just a warning.

Lauded as one of the GOATs so I'm going to be pretty critical. Don't read any unofficial english TL if you can afford it. Many instances of duplicated chapters, random duplicated pages, missing pages, mixed pages, and poor quality.

The Manhua Adaptation

The manhua is an absolute chore to read and not because of the story. Walls and walls of text (I should just read the webnovel at this point), excessive exposition dumping, and terrible delivery of the story. Examples include:

  • An entire page of text to tell the reader that someone stuck a rare cultivation material into some monsters and that's why they're aggressive.
  • Five characters all taking turns exclaiming how the MC made three consistent punches.
  • An entire chapter dedicated to the MC telling Yun Er "I want you to talk to me" and nothing else happening.
  • An entire chapter dedicated to showing the purpose of, and perhaps using or acquiring, a single item. This happens several times throughout the manhua.

Four characters explaining the MCs punching power


Nothing exceptional here. All the usual cliches you expect from manhua/manga: harem, arrogant OP MC, "courting death", people disrespecting the MC not knowing his backing or how powerful he is, "shadow" evil organization, etc. The story arcs can be kind of interesting but really just revolve entirely around the MC.

Doesn't help that any intrigue is quickly stripped away by the author having the characters explain in excessive detail exactly what just happened (see previous image). 


Won't lie, the characters are utter trash. Doesn't help that the designs are direct rips from Naruto, really couldn't be more shameless. Almost all of the side-characters are very one-track in terms of mind, personality, and goals (maybe have a goal that isn't "be strong"?). Every side-character seems to have two fates: be a villain and get summarily stomped by the MC, or be a good guy and get dragged everywhere by the MC. Nearly any success gained by any side-character is a direct result of the MC, forget any self-agency. They are merely there to be good little dialogue tools and fawn over the MC.

And worst of all is the harem. I get why the MC likes Yun Er (his love before he returned to the past), but it's a terrible setup. Let's see:

  • MC's mental age is 100+ but is in love with a 12-13 year old. Honestly doesn't bother me a lot since the MC is still portrayed as an appropriate age, but worth mentioning. 
  • MC leads FL to believe he's spying on her when she's naked (sexual harassment).
  • Female love interests (including Yun Er) are purely and only there to be love interests. They have no interesting qualities, no goals in life, achieve absolutely nothing without the MC, and like the MC because the author said so.
  • Other love interests still chase the MC despite him blatantly saying his only love is the FL.

And last but not least, the MC. Your stereotypical Good Guy whose sole goal in life is to bang the FL and get strong. Wow, who could've guessed.

5/10 story
5/10 art
2/10 characters
4/10 overall
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RandomSimmering's avatar
Aug 12, 2023

Some might label it your typical wuxia tale, but honestly, if you're venturing into the world of light novels for the first time, you could discover it to be a truly distinctive and captivating journey (just like I did!). It won't be to everyone's taste, but that adds variety to the reading universe.

This series approaches the whole Wuxia progression concept in a manner that's easier to grasp. It doesn't dive deeply into philosophy, yet it carries a touch of Confucian influence that gives it a unique flavor.

A major thumbs-up goes to the fact that power-ups here aren't simply plucked out of thin air. Nie Li's power boosts are within reason, and that's a breath of fresh air in the fast-paced action scene.

However, there's one aspect you should be prepared for: Mad Snail's pacing is, well, as slow as a snail's crawl. If patience is your strong suit, then you're ready for the long haul. It might be a while before the entire story fully unfolds. Here's a more comprehensive review that I wrote.

8/10 story
5/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Adem8s's avatar
Apr 29, 2021

I gave the story a 7 because there is an antaganist its just him getting stronger. Although the art is amazing and I also like the characters too. The character development of his friends around him was fun to see. It is a great read. Although it does get boring so I took breaks in between each like 50 chaps so I can regain the fun I had reading it. It is definitly a good read!!!!

7/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
8/10 overall