Take A Shine to My Sweetie - Reviews

Alt title: Xing Dong Tian Qi Xia Xiao Xing

Take A Shine to My Sweetie
Mimiyama's avatar
Sep 8, 2022

Reviewed at ch 62. It is a Chinese CEO romance with an innocent FL that is, in fact, not shit. The ML is not a dumb, possessive, emotionally constipated, murderous lunatic. His love is selfless and he always puts the needs and wants of the FL first. He respects her choices and can take rejection. 

That being said, it is not a particularly good manhua. The ML and FL are decent people but I found the story to be uninteresting and the characters bland. It is a readable experience but there are better works to spend time on. If you like CEO romances without the ML being an asshole, this may be for you. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
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