Stray Dog - Reviews

Stray Dog
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Aug 27, 2020

The synopsis summarizes the set-up pretty well. The climax of the story is Fultac's fight against the bounty hunter Bartley and feir beeftastic "military dog." During this fight, Kilka tries feir best to contribute despite being weak and generally useless in battle. The manga deals with the ethics (or lack thereof) of creating beings who lack the ability to be disloyal or go against their master's will, as well as the issue of judging a person's worth based on feir usefulness to you. The manga has some pretty cool fight scenes and drama, though the final clash in the tower is a bit problematic. First of all, it occurs off-camera, so we're just supposed to assume that intense awesomeness occurred; but considering the implicit level of difficulty of that engagement, the end result just feels like plot armor. And I don't find that horribly satisfying.

8/10 story
5/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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