Solmi's Channel - Reviews

Alt title: Geunyeoui Channel

Solmi's Channel
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Oct 28, 2019

Obviously there's sex. But the interesting thing is how it portrays sex. There's an aggressor who pushes sex onto feir partner and a receiver who enjoys the ride. Often the sex scenes will be set up as the female partner at the time starting out as the aggressor and the main character being unwilling or uninterested in having sex, but then after fe gets into it fe switches into the aggressor role and completely ravishes the woman's body. Giving fem the best sex of feir life. As for why these women are drawn to fem, it's not always clear. Fe's portrayed as being in some way special. Enticing. Fe has a big dick and sexual technique. It doesn't actually go into why feir technique is so far above other people's or what fe's doing that's so special. But regardless of what sets fem apart, once women become aware that fe's a sex god, they swoon at the thought of being penetrated by fem. Of course, the only reason women learn that fe's good in bed is because it's being live-streamed on Solmi's Channel.

The first few sexual encounters involve Solmi and feir live-streaming porn channel. They make perfect sense. Even the sexual encounter with the other two streamers made some sense, though the one with the work-out guru who decided to start a sex streaming channel just because fe saw the guy having sex was a little far-fetched. But after that, the guy has sex off camera with the director and with an ex-girlfriend. And neither of these made sense storywise. It stopped being a manga about sex streaming and started being a manga about a sex god.

3/10 story
8/10 art
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
WaveMasterJohn's avatar
May 3, 2019


The premise of this story is really interesting and it's easy to get hooked into what the main character will do next. Obviously, this is a mainly hentai-esque web novel but overall it kept me involved in the story, I mean the sex scenes are well drawn out but I found myself wanting to read past that and see where Jinsoo would go from there. I would like to add; there is more than meets the eye so take note when reading, its more than just a sex party. (though that's 90%)


Is great. One of the first things that turn me off starting a new manga/manhwa is the art. I know, it's superficial but that's just my taste. The art is fantastic, at some parts incredible. Out of the 50 chapters, there were 3 panels where I was sitting there admiring the artwork. 


I did think Jinsoo (the main character) was very whimsical in his attitude throughout the story. This might be a deal breaker for many as throughout the story you could see he was being pushed along and had no volition of his own. If you can get over Jinsoo the rest of the characters are fun to have but they all are very obviously put into the story for each type of reader, ie the petite girl, the older sister, the tsundere, etc. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the development of each.


I enjoyed it. It was fun, erotic, engaging all at the same time. 

9/10 story
10/10 art
7/10 characters
9/10 overall
OneEyeMonkey's avatar
Mar 27, 2022

This thing is extremly boring story is none existing till probably half of entire manhwa. The way MC falls in love and every mystery behind it is just no done well and is just put in out of blue for no reson. Nothing is set up for how it ends just for u to understand MC falls in love with girl cose he had 4 hour long sex and everyone telling him that they are couple and for entire time i read this i had 0 logical reson wh thing go the way they go.

Art is ok but characters are extremly simpe and thanks to the story where in first half its just sex without any personal evolution or explenation of characters this is just made me not care about any of them. The only character taht did anything in here is MC gf who is bad character yet made the story wake tf up.

3/10 story
7/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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AquaticWeeb's avatar
Feb 27, 2021

*A total honest review*


The story was good I liked the way how it goes on and the special side stories made a much more satisfying ending.


Art is good I have read many webtoon and this had a good art compared to most of the webtoon.


I didn't see any major character development other than of our FMC other supporting characters were pretty good and yeah this story has not ntr which makes it even better.


I loved everything in this webtoon the story kept me hooked 

Readers who love romance webtoon with hentai content should read it atleast once (no ntr no sh*t).

9.5/10 story
9.5/10 art
9/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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Sarkova's avatar
Jul 15, 2021

Soft NTR with Happy Ending

10/10 story
8/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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