Sofure Buka! - Reviews

Sofure Buka!
Merganser9's avatar
Sep 24, 2022

This was a really cute story in my opinion. I would have given it full marks because I liked it so much, but I couldn't in good conscience when there was technically something sorta sexual assaulty that happened. Normally I'm pretty firm on disliking stories that have stuff like that, but aside from the random way the author dropped that in towards the end, the entire rest of the story was sweet and loving and respectful. I think the author was being some sort of idiot for adding that element when they had such a good thing going. I pretty much have chosen to pretend that part isn't there in order to enjoy the rest of the cute story but it will definitely not be doable for everyone.

8/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
snowmandumplingsoup's avatar
Oct 10, 2022

The second story is pretty sad, the first and the third is okay..

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
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