Village of the Siren - Reviews

Alt title: Siren no Mura

Village of the Siren
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Feb 15, 2022

a whole community has turned bad, a whole village. doing creepy, bad-village things--human sacrifices, devil worship, hole-digging. and as you would expect, the protagonist is coming from outside the bad village. a siren blares every night and has turned these villagers insane. only the super religious ex-mayor and the occult-loving yukari were able to fight off the insanity, though in very different ways. yukari's actions during the climactic ritual were pretty cool, but it also just makes you wonder why fe didn't just leave this village instead of sticking around...

the way the protagonist talks to femself is awkward. there's also a theme about how small, rural villages have had their young'uns leaving for the city instead of staying in the village. it's most explicitly brought up when the protagonist's mom says "this all happened because you young people went off to the cities," though of course that doesn't really make any sense. if the youth had been there, would that really have changed anything? it's just a way for the author to include some shallow socially relevant element. i'm also not sure why the author had only the women sprout wings. that felt like it might have been based in some sort of subconsious misogyny or something (like "women are devils")...i dunno. overall, it's still a pretty okay story, though.

4/10 story
3/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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