Contractual Marriage to a Surly Duke (Promo) - Reviews

Alt title: Byeongyakan? Nampyeonui Gyeyak Anae

Contractual Marriage to a Surly Duke (Promo)
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Oct 15, 2021

I feel dutybound to rate this by the same standard I would use to judge any other story. And since this is a promotional work not even attempting to create narrative closure, it's obvious that it'll rate as highly unimpressive. In fact, a 2/10 might be generous. The set-up feels like it might maybe have potential to lead to some cute romantic moments and feel-good modern knowledge exploitation in a fleshed out version of the story.

The art is obviously very nice. Some of the items and details look very crisp and pop out from the backgrounds. On their own, these aspects are very good-looking, but they do cause some inconsistency in the quality level of the things being drawn which then leads to a sense of incohesion within the artwork. It's full color and has a light and shimmery tone. One technique it uses is a slight blurring of the foregrounds or backgrounds in order to bring focus to what is important. Some of the (blurred) items in the background feel like they might've been pulled from a 3-D generator. I personally found the eyes to be unimpressive in comparison to the clothes, hair, and other pristine details.

2/10 story
9/10 art
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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JunoSchantel's avatar
Jul 31, 2021

Before anything else, let me just say that the art is godly. I have never seen a manhwa with an 11/10 coloring style besides Solo Leveling, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, and Death Is The Only Ending for the Villainess - until I saw this. Back to this manhwa however, this is most likely a promotional chapter instead of a oneshot. Aside from the art; the characters, the designs, the personalities, and everyone currently introduced in the promo looks promising. I would most definitely love to see more of it in the future!

8/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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DeiMadepo's avatar
Jun 24, 2021

PROMO. Seems nice but definitely a promo and not a one shot...

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
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