Sica Wolf - Reviews

Sica Wolf
Bummpkin's avatar
Mar 17, 2021

Spoiler free-

Sica Wolf is about the romance and hardships between a guy who doesnt want to get close to people and a girl who thinks shes a monster. Sica is looking for her long lost savior, who saved her life and was the sole reason she became a saocceress. Karsus is a master who works towards a goal he has no idea about what it is. 

I found the action scenes extremely underwhelming, and the romance factor was ok.


Sica gets kidnapped around a quarter of the way into the story, and i think it lasted a chapter. I wouldve liked it if it lasted longer, When Karsus found her in her "monster" form he didnt have any reaction. I also thought that the entire manga was rushed plus too many scenes were them being happy, which is good for them but to actually resonate with the reader there has to be more hardships. Karsus and Sica get out of situtaions so easily, the last fight with the monster lasted 2 CHAPTERS, 2. Plus i wouldve liked if it ended with Karsus cutting his hair because he got what he wanted, they never bring up cutting his hair for that reason in the manga again. Overall i wasnt invested in it, i thought it was ok.

5/10 story
7/10 art
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
ItsAnneAnt's avatar
Jun 28, 2021

Spoiler- I really did love this. The characters made my heart thrive with lovefor them. The fact the it went in a look was adorable and made me cry when they found each other. I really think that they would stay with each other forever and I'm happy about that. The plot was a lil meesy but I could get behind that.

8/10 story
8/10 art
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
Vrole's avatar
May 11, 2021

ugh Author, you did the worst storytelling that i have ever see ..... is just to fast is like you wanted to finish the story from chapter 1 lol,

haha lets not forget about the story ... there are so much bulsh$t plot twist that make me cringe .... haha.....

 and the boss fight? he destroy the city during the battle but when the protagonist say about this the boss just yeah lol i can reconstruct them

0.1/10 story
4/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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Sanjiii's avatar
Dec 13, 2020

The story starts out fun, a sorceress out to make some money while looking for her childhood sweetheart, and by childhood, someone she met when she was like 6 years old or younger but slowly grows into the same trope-y narrative and love story. It doesn't do anything particularly different and doesn't do anything particularly well. It's a light read and fun if you don't go in expecting much from it.

Also, the story starts out better but from around the half way point it almost feels like it's skipping sections or makes you feel like you missed a page or 2 (but those pages aren't there to begin with). Plus, I felt the villain here had extremely weak resolve, the story could never really reach a great buildup.

Read it in your free time and don't go in expecting much. It's fun but lacks a lot of the depth which other series with similar themes are able to deliver much better.

7/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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YaoiGodAbove20's avatar
Dec 10, 2020

A closed time-loop plot is no stranger to readers I've predicted Karsus would travel back to guide Sica but to learn that he's the ONE WHO gave her the name as well just tugs at my fucking kokoro strings. They've been bound to each other since young it's so wholesome I smiled like Cheshire Cat when they're both transported back and recounting their past meetings

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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