Shachiku Succubus no Hanashi

Vol: 1; Ch: 22
2018 - 2020
3.637 out of 5 from 532 votes
Rank #22,324
Shachiku Succubus no Hanashi

Meet Lily. A succubus, she is tasked with finding men every day, taking control of their dreams to steal their vitality. In return, Lily will fulfill any desires they have, no matter how perverted they are. And as the succubi population rate decreases, Lily finds herself more and more overworked in order to reach her rising quota. One day, she enters the domicile of an exhausted corporate wage slave. Lily promises to make the man's wildest dreams come true, but what he asks for shocks her.

Source: MU

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The story for each chapter is always similar and thus gets old pretty quickly. The characters aren't very appealing. The art is pretty good, though not outstanding. The main appeal of this manga is using the subversion of expectations to create an "Awww" moment. Though since these endearing moments are so obviously forced, it kinda ruins it for me. Lily, a succubus, gives an overworked man whatever dreams fe wants in exchange for feir vitality. Except feir desired dreams always run counter to feir expectations and catch fem offguard. Like fe expects fem to want sexual fantasies or outlandish things that couldn't happen in real life, but fe just asks for mundane things which fe could do if fe just had time off of work. In fact, some of what fe asks for are daily necessities like meals or baths and it's unclear whether getting those things in dreams actually helps keep fem healthy in real life. It also bothers me that this manga created a subtype of succubus called a "succubus lady", which is basically an incubus (though female). Did the author not do any research into the mythology before starting this story or was it entirely based on the way succubus are portrayed in other manga? [Originally reviewed at chapter 12] [Updated upon completion] Addendum: Succubi are portrayed as working a job, just like anybody else. Their relationship with humans is supposed to be mutually beneficial. And if anything, it's humans who often take advantage of them, not the other way around. But it's not as though this portrayal of succubi is well thought out or anything. There's a scene where Lily's manager stops a child from illegally buying porn, which might make sense from a human perspective, but why should a succubus care about age restrictions on buying porn? Those are human laws, not standards inherent to the universe. And then of course the manga just introduces the ideas of a cat succubus called a "catbus" and "succubus milk" with no attempts to justify their existence beyond their usefulness for that chapter's plot. This manga ends with Kuroki coming to an admittedly weird epiphany. Fe stops overworking because fe has to and starts overworking because fe wants to...because that's better somehow.

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