Sekai de Ichiban Itaranu Koi - Reviews

Alt title: The Most Immature Love in the World

Sekai de Ichiban Itaranu Koi
sassan11's avatar
Jul 17, 2021

I don't read much of high school love stories since I'm more into josei and mature now, but the characters' innocence, personalities, and awkwardness were a breath of fresh air from all the smut and yaoi I've been reading. This was just fluff and cute. Not much drama—I think you can't even call that drama. 

This story had potential. I'm sure the mangaka had more in store for this one but unfortunately she can't portray them because this got axed (apparently).

At least we got a decent ending, still sad tho.

8/10 story
8/10 art
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
HazEqah's avatar
Aug 26, 2021

I really like sumaragi..  He's cute and they're cute..  But this not enough for me and I need moreee!!

9/10 story
9/10 art
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
LeslyAnne's avatar
Jul 15, 2023

ENG: I loved it!! It was a very cute story. It's a shame the story is short, I've would like to read more about them as a couple. The MMC reminded me of Tamaki of Ouran Host Club, that golden retriever vibe, naive and curious about simple things.

ESP: Me encantó!! La historia fue muy linda. Mi única queja es que el manga sea tan corto, mínimo si daba para los 20 capítulos. Pero bueno, la recomiendo mucho, el protagonista masculino me recordó a Tamaki de Ouran Host Club ❤.

9/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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Curiousmadra's avatar
Aug 28, 2021

It’s a simple fluffy manga about a shy schoolgirl in love with her rich gentlemen classmate 🥰

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
7.8/10 overall
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