Just Like Mona Lisa - Reviews

Alt titles: Seibetsu "Mona Lisa" no Kimi e., The Gender of Mona Lisa

Just Like Mona Lisa
DodgyDodgie's avatar
Jan 19, 2024

wah my heart slightly hurts. The main story ended how I expected it, but Chiaki and Shiroganes thing made my heart hurt a bit, it was kind of bittersweet but not so bitter I would spit it out (Im trying to be poetic here but clearly its not working) which makes it more depressing because I can't even fully hate it.

Points only for that side story though, the main story I wasnt that big of a fan, maybe cs I alrdy knew most of what happend from my sister spoiling, but it js was kind of predictable(even parts i wasnt spoiled on to clarify). Art is pretty good, sm shots better then others obviously, surprisingly the simple ones were the best in my opinion. FIN.

7/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
dingdong69's avatar
Jan 5, 2022

Two fruits are presented to you. Both fruits are equally as tasty, or as bland, but you can only take one. Person A says, 'you should take this one!'. On the other hand, Person B says, 'you should take the other one!'. They keep pressuring you to take one of the other, but you don't know which one to pick.



In a world where you can choose your own gender at the age of 12, our main character, Hinase, sticks out like a sore thumb because of their sexless body and androgynous appearance. They look like a masculine, yet feminine at times. Combine this with love triangle involving two childhood friends and you'll get some quite interesting results. 

The Manga explores Hinase's complex emotions about their own identity and physical attributes. It tackles heavy themes related to sex and gender, as well as the relationships that surround it. The way it is written and presented is certainly not perfect, but still a small step into the right direction. 


Art is good, the way it uses the bright cyan color to highlight Hinase's eyes and other things is really well done. It effectively captures your attention and makes you look at it first. 

 - Personal Wrap-up 

You would think that in a world like this gender conformity would be non-existent, or atleast different from Real Life in some sort of way. It was quite disappointing that everything was still the same, girls have to wear 'femine' things, boys should be doing sports and obtain a successful job. 

Another nitpick for me was the way both childhood friends confessed. It can just be summarized as: "I always liked you, so become the sex I prefer!". The way the two of them are so forceful with what they want is really off-putting 🤧. The author does confront this in later chapters however, which adds into more development for both of them, thankfully. 

7/10 story
7/10 art
4/10 characters
6/10 overall