Scarlet Order: Dance in the Vampire Bund 2 - Reviews

Scarlet Order: Dance in the Vampire Bund 2
pineapplesaladfan's avatar
Apr 28, 2018

Dance in the Vampire Bund is an all-time favorite manga, in spite of its problematic elements. Tamaki is a master of world-building and characterization, and his art is some of the best in the industry.

That said, Scarlet Order is a real bummer from start to finish. Tentatively meant to tie up all the loose ends left hanging in the first series, all Scarlet Order manages to accomplish is add a bunch of new narrative threads and quickly throw them to the wind in favor of a forced, rushed conclusion. As someone who read this series from high school to the end of college, how it all wrapped up was nothing short of a crushing disappointment. It brought to mind Connie's disappointment with how her favorite book series ended in Steven Universe - cheesy, out of left field and a total letdown.

I'm really happy that Tamaki is making more, however, as I feel he was probably forced to wrap it up earlier than anticipated.

4/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
5/10 overall
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