Goodbye Otherworld, See You Tomorrow (Light Novel) - Reviews

Alt title: Sayonara Isekai, Mata kite Ashita (Light Novel)

Goodbye Otherworld, See You Tomorrow (Light Novel)
nachfuellbar's avatar
Mar 16, 2023

The book description tells most of the rough story already:

The protagonist is in another world and the fantasy kind at that - which could be pretty exciting for any young male like him. The only downside? The world is already dead and the remaining live is sure to die pretty soon.

In this environment the protagonist is traveling to find the person who helped him after coming to this world, just to thank them for the help. You may wonder why but he really has nothing better to do even though he doesn't know where this person is.

While on his travels he meets some of the remaining people and there may be some small happy endings but nothing major because he can't do anything to reverse the fate of the world.

In the first volume he meets his companion after he tried to kill himself and travels together with her.

In this whole story there is nothing major happening because it just can't be in this conditions - but that's the charm of this dystopy. Finding the good things in the end of the world.

8/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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