Samurai Lover - Reviews

Samurai Lover
Curiousmadra's avatar
Aug 7, 2020

Well I decided to read this cause the cover is definitely giving me early 2000s vibes and of course, it had the tsundere tag in it. I never thought I could actually be bumping into a Yaoi isekai before "Titans Bride" man lol!

Anyways the samurai is actually a pretty likeable dude, he has that "happy go lucky" attitude that makes you laugh. The uke actually reminds me of Sora from Kingdom Hearts lol. Also you'll get a chance to see "those kinds scenes" so yeah that's all I'm gonna say.

Its worth the read if you wanna see daft Yaoi manga out there lads!!

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Ponyo18's avatar
Aug 7, 2020

It was okay, but I think this could've been better. And that last sex scene was so abrupt, lol.

Story: Aza is a samurai who accidentally time traveled and now must fall in love to go back. His goal is to make Ikkei fall in love with him.

Art: Mediocre.

Characters: LOL, these kids are so cringe.

Overall2.5/5 stars

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
5/10 overall
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