Sakamoto Days - Reviews

Sakamoto Days
RiamuRamu's avatar
Jun 28, 2021

Wow. It does what it does really well. It manages to combine comedy and action really good. Like extremely good. It's just so subtle that it's good. It's a funny manga with some dark humored moments. But I don't think it's ever in an actual dark tone. It's comedy based and pretty good.

8.5/10 story
8.5/10 art
9/10 characters
8.7/10 overall
Abo5mSa's avatar
Apr 24, 2023

This is gintama lookalike. sakamoto ia gin, shin is shinpachi, lu is kagura.

7.3/10 story
8.4/10 art
8.7/10 characters
9.2/10 overall
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