Rune Master Urara - Reviews

Alt title: Kokumashi Urara

Rune Master Urara
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Dec 3, 2020

Hoh-kay, so Urara is a rune master who actually cares about the demons that fe seals in the tattoos on feir body. The process of capturing demons is sorta reminiscent of Pokemon; it involves summoning previously caught demons and using them to beat up the demon until fe's in a near-death, more-easily-capturable state; threatening fem to reveal feir name (since knowing feir name is necessary to seal fem); and then releasing a demon bullet which can be dodged or blocked if the demon isn't beat up enough (basically like with pokeballs). The plot of this manga involves the fight to capture an ice demon with some flashbacks of Urara and Kenso's history. Kenso is a demon loyal to Urara who looks like a cyborg satyr (though I don't think fe's actually intended to be robotic or anything). The aesthetics are a mixture of old-timey Japanese villages and school uniforms, with maybe a twinge of futurism.

3/10 story
6/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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