Rumic World Trilogy - Reviews

Rumic World Trilogy
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Aug 5, 2022

This author uses humor pretty effectively to make stories more engaging. There's some absurdism and some gags. There's also a lot of romance, with several stories including characters who feel some desperation (for lack of a better word) to find a partner and settle down. Aliens show up in a few of the stories, as well as some supernatural elements. In fact, probably about half of these stories involve some sort of fantasy or sci-fi aspect. My ratings for the individual stories range from 1/10 to 6/10. Unfortunately, none of them transcended into the realm of greatness; and while a few of them were good, the majority of them were mediocre leaning on bad.

  • "Those Selfish Aliens" [6/10]--This was a silly little tale about a newspaper delivery boy being kidnapped by a series of different weird groups. Its humor is built on the fact that this boy's main motives are mundane (to get back to feir paper route) despite the life-and-death circumstances fe's in.
  • "Time Warp Trouble" [3/10]--This one was a bit chaotic and also moralizing in its presentation. It felt like it was specifically trying to critique Japan's agricultural policies.
  • "Fire Trapper" [3/10]--There's some time travel between modern Japan and feudal Japan, as well as some time travel wonkiness. There's also some romance, but I found that part of the story to be pretty dull.
  • "Maris the Chojo" [5/10]--I found the motives and main concerns of both the protagonist and the kidnapper to be sorta funny, in that they just felt a lot more down to earth and relatable than most superpowered stories. This story is intended to be a comedy, as well.
  • "The Laughing Target" [5/10]--This story was one of the more drama-based stories. It involves some supernatural elements as well as a "lover" spurned. The flashbacks to the past were blended together with the events in the present pretty well.
  • "The Golden Gods of Poverty" [2/10]--Definitely a comedy, and not a very good one at that.
  • "Wasted Minds" [4/10]--My thoughts on this can be read in more detail in my review on it.
  • "The Entrepreneurial Spirit" [3/10]--A seance gone wrong, but in a funny way.
  • "Wedded Bliss" [5/10]--This was a story about two newlyweds who enjoyed fighting with each other as a way to blow off steam. It was definitely silly, but also made me feel sad about the daily pressures which people feel (largely because of how our society is set up) which lead to people feeling the need to blow off steam in the first place.
  • "That Darn Cat" [2/10]--This was a brief autobiographical story about the author's experiences with taking care of a friend's cat.
  • "A Cry For Help" [1/10]--I guess this story is playing around with ideas surrounding what it means to be a man and is trying to do so in a funny way. It's just, I dunno, not all that funny.
  • "War Council" [5/10]--This story was funny. I liked the way the protagonist was just clumsily avoiding taking damage despite all sorts of people fighting around fem, and the fact that the protagonist was only really concerned with spending time with the girl fe liked. It had it's cute moments, for sure.
  • "When My Eyes Got Wings" [2/10]--There's a couple and a kid in the hospital. And telekinesis is involved. This story leaned more on the drama side of things and I didn't think the story was all that interesting.
  • "Sleep and Forget" [6/10]--On the flipside, I did think this story was pretty interesting and it also leaned on the drama side of things. This one dealt with some ghosts from the past all converging and intertwining with the lives of some people in the present. It was good, but possibly could've been made even better if it had been expanded to a slightly longer series ('cause then we could've had time to get to know the characters better and the flashbacks to the past wouldn't have had to be so crunched together).
  • "The Face Pack" [6/10]--A silly little comedy about a school club where the members wear silly little face masks. The way the face masks were torn off and how several of them were of fellow people reminded me of Mission: Impossible, but I think this manga came out long before that movie. I liked the romance in this story--it was pretty endearing.
4/10 story
5/10 art
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
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