Rock Paper Scissors - Reviews

Rock Paper Scissors
Kuroshima's avatar
Jan 27, 2019

An interesting use of story with a somewhat predictable but also suprising ending. (Please note this is my first review)


To summerise the MC can stop time and alter things whilst time is stopped (Whatever he changes while time is stopped instantly becomes reality when he unstops time so that no one has any idea what has happened or that any changes have occured though they may sometimes question it if he isnt as subtle wth using it).

He decides to help a girl build her own council with the hopes of raising her to be strong enouth to take on the strongest council.

Overall it was interesting and I liked the ending however this was way to short to fully enjoy the story and it was rushed like crazy.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
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