Return of the Blossoming Blade - Reviews

Alt title: Hwasangwihwan

Return of the Blossoming Blade
bluebear1's avatar
Apr 14, 2023


10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Bonkfeesh's avatar
Feb 4, 2023

The art really fits the story and the main character is well fleshed out and funny.

8/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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machiabeeli's avatar
Dec 30, 2022

Inspiring, interesting, powerful, astounding, jaw-dropping, revolutionary - if I could give this all of my favorite adjectives and words, I could. Return of the Blossoming Blade deserves all of it.

I'm not much for cultivation manhwas. This is the second I've read out of all the otome isekai / isekais I've been accumulating on this site but this is by far my favorite.

The art style is done in an almost cinematic way, with panels meticulously planned to provide the most impact for each scene. Character design is distinct and unique which, for me, is a hallmark of a work that has a team of people who care about the basics of design. They make the characters more memorable and realistic for their traits. Expressions drive so much comedic value or inspire you with the rawness of their emotions. If the art style was a person, I would have fallen head over heels with no return to logic.

I haven't felt this way in a while. You know the feeling when you watch a good anime and from the first episode alone, you know you've been hooked already and you can only follow the feeling? That's how this manhwa made me feel with its characters. The characters are AMAZING and I cannot think of any one character falling behind in terms of quality or concept - they all feel so incredibly human yet so beyond it. They grow as each chapter progresses and the author / artists use so much symbolism to represent this.

I'm writing this at 2:01 AM so I'm not the most succinct or the most complete in terms of thoughts but I swear, you'll enjoy this one! 

Reviewed at Chapter 73.

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Nyxelle's avatar
Apr 4, 2024

I absolutely adore Chungmyung's character because he's incredibly intriguing and flawed in a charming way. Despite being bossy and often angry, I find his imperfections make him the best main character I've seen. What sets him apart is his willingness to make mistakes and face their consequences, all while learning and growing from them. His old-man demeanor, despite his youthful appearance, adds a humorous touch, especially when other characters are puzzled by his behavior. Additionally, he's undeniably badass and overpowered, yet still vulnerable and relatable, thanks to the writer's skillful portrayal of his flaws in a natural way.

10/10 story
9/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Yolosans's avatar
May 24, 2022



10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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