Reign of the Seven Spellblades (Light Novel) - Reviews

Alt title: Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai Suru (Light Novel)

Reign of the Seven Spellblades (Light Novel)
nachfuellbar's avatar
May 13, 2022

First Volume was really good and makes you crave more. But the story is progressing pretty slowly after this and after 5 volumes it seems like the conclusion will need more than 20 more volumes.

The author tries to lure you with bits of information on the background of the story. If the story would conclude after about 5 to 10 volumes, i'd give full points for story and everything else. Unfortunately this doesn't seem possible…

Now a little bit to the story ;)

The protagonist Oliver/Noll goes to a magic school and forms a clique with let's say pretty unique characters (yeah i know this sounds pretty old). Everyone of the teachers is redeemless luatic and sinner without any morals - lifes aren't worth anything. Which is the perfect seedbed for a revenge story - and that's exactly what you get - a revenge plot in the background, unknown to his new friends.

This could be the perfect starting point for an interesting story - if the author wasn't focused on maintaining the novel for as long as possible.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
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