Record of Grancrest War - Reviews

Alt title: Grancrest Senki

Record of Grancrest War
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Feb 2, 2022

I've been told that this manga adaptation only covers the events from the first two volumes of the light novel series, and that's definitely obvious considering that it ends without resolving all of the narrative arcs that had been introduced. It does finish off the storyline it had been working on, but it leaves the big stuff open-ended. This would be like if One Piece ended after some island-level storylines were resolved and then just said "and the adventure continued..." without ever showing us Luffy becoming the king of the pirates. It's very unsatisfying. Obviously, this story isn't quite as shounen as One Piece and I could see Theo actually losing in the end (especially considering that there have been a few strategic losses and deaths already), but I would've liked to have actually seen Theo at least attempt to accomplish feir ultimate goal--of saving feir hometown in Sistina. As is, it's just...frustrating.

I like the set-up for the world. It has very specific mechanics and job positions within a territory-oriented world that all gives it a sense of structure similar to a video game or a board game. I could see this making a very good game, actually. But then it also has thoughtful strategies and political considerations which could never be properly replicated within a game and make the story of this manga shine. Siluca is a great character and does a good job of raising this manga up from just being a power suite battle manga. Though there are some really cool fights within this manga as well. Some nice swordplay. Some nice magic. Some nice physicality.

I think I would still be willing to recommend this manga to people who enjoy battle tactics and conquest in their fantasy battle manga, but just be prepared for it to end prematurely without a fully satisfying sense of resolution. It's still an enjoyable read though.

6/10 story
9/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall