Rebirth: A Noble Family's Comeback - Reviews

Alt titles: Chongsheng Haomen Zhi Qiangshi Guilai, Reborn: House of Revenge

Rebirth: A Noble Family's Comeback
Manthika's avatar
Mar 17, 2020

Main character: I'm a big stronk wo-man, I will take revenge and be smart this time
Also the main character: *is a complete buffoon* *gets into idiotic situations* *only deus ex machina saves her*

The art is garbage, the plot is weak, and the characters are all stupid.  I honestly cannot find a single redeeming feature to this manhua at all.

3/10 story
3/10 art
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
satxire's avatar
May 1, 2020

MC is retarded and delusional, plot does not make sense whatsoever, art is not that great, just ugh. Its one of the worst manhuas i've read. Don't recommend it.

0.1/10 story
4/10 art
3/10 characters
1.5/10 overall
Phi3's avatar
May 28, 2020

SIGGGHHHHH ok the concept is imaculate i like the plot idea... emphasis on idea because this actually sucked so much

The male lead something long? was INCREDIBLY creepy his motives always seemed so stupid

This honestly just feels like the storyboard of a manhwa and the people making this gave up. It honestly feels like the work you didnt have enough time to finish so you started to talk nonsense to fill the page.

7/10 story
4/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
Keyoni's avatar
Oct 10, 2020

Started out great but got boring along the road. It is very slow to progress and is just strung along every chapter. It's already been 325 chapters and it's still nothing too important going on. It's just her constantly getting into arguments and bad situations, then easily getting out of them. Boring and unprogressive. 

7/10 story
6.7/10 art
6/10 characters
6.7/10 overall
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