Rebirth of a Movie Star (Novel) - Reviews

Rebirth of a Movie Star (Novel)
CherryChip's avatar
Jun 22, 2023

We love a time travel fic. We love going back to fix your past mistakes and getting together with a hot guy, too! 

I found it a little weird at times, though. Our MC decides to get together with the only guy who cried when he died in the last life. It's also the guy he spent years rejecting advances from... and the guy who kinda stunted his career in retaliation. I mean... ok then. Seems very much like he is selling himself for good roles in this life but it's BL, right?? Also, another weird thing, our MC has no desire for revenge (how BORING!!! I live for cat fights) and so I knocked off a few points for that. I struggle when an MC has a "meh" emotional personality.

it's a good read, though. I do recommend.

7/10 story
?/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Renanthera's avatar
Aug 14, 2021

Very serious novel, not for the faint-hearted who read to ignore real life worries. Good story overall, though some things make me uncomfortable as technically main CP met by attempted rape, but whatever. If you want a happy ending, skip the extras, bc the last extra is actually kinda sad.

Worth the read anyways

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
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LaylaLux's avatar
May 9, 2020

Just READ IT it's really worth it this is coming from someone who usually get's hooked very hard on something or abandons it halfway!!! 

10/10 story
?/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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