Reamed on Livestream: Forced to Climax Live Online!! - Reviews

Alt title: Nukonuko♂Douga: Gachi Iki Kyousei (Nama) Haishin!!

Reamed on Livestream: Forced to Climax Live Online!!
MakotoTheFudanshi's avatar
Oct 1, 2022

This is basically the story of someone who was blackmailed to be a f*** doll until he fell in love with the guy who continues to rape him. For those of you who don't care much for the story and only for the smut scenes, you'll still be gagging over the dumbest storyline ever.

It's all sex scenes either of three/foursomes, gang rape, and having sex right after saying "I love you'" which is a messed up relationship. There's the most cliché plot twists that are short-lived so there could be another sex scene right away. Keep in mind I dropped this at 26 chapters. I thought I could just tough it out until the end, but I was gagging so much from the terrible character interactions and plot lines that I just had to drop it.

It is full color, however. But don't be afraid to drop it if you're currently reading it. If you're praying it gets better later on, it most definitely isn't.

1/10 story
7/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
Sirbitchalot's avatar
Dec 21, 2023

There's really nothing to like. There is basically no storyline, the characters are trash, the writing is bad, this is possible the worst art I've ever seen in a manga. Absolutely no redeeming qualities 

the characters are also dumb as fuck. Wdym you're a minor, in high school and your a cam-boy; but then don't cover your face, or even attempt to hide your identity. They literally say each others names on lives for all the viewers to hear. And then the MC has the audacity to get upset and confused he's caught 💀 idk what he was expecting. I'm suprised they haven't been expelled yet

the main lead is an arrogant rapist, and that's basically his entire character 

no reedeming graces. Just don't read it 

1/10 story
1/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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