Rain Curtain - Reviews

Rain Curtain
ikemenftw's avatar
May 26, 2020

If you want to read a manga for sexual entertainment, this manga is for you. But if you're looking for a strong plot, level headed characters and a good ending, you're for sure to dislike this so just don't even bother.

Though the author did conjure a plot for this manga, I'd say it wasn't very strong because of the minimal depthness of some of the major characters. The antagonists didn't really serve their roles very well, they weren't cunning enough, they're too easy to play with and exact revenge on and their personalities were quite one dimensional, so as a reader I couldn't sympathise or care about the main characters' revenge. It was a pretty rushed ending in my opinion. It was just not a coherent plot overall and the character's developments are just not realistic at all either. 

4/10 story
9/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall