QQ Sweeper - Reviews

QQ Sweeper
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Aug 21, 2022

I did enjoy this. The series blended together a few practical portrayals of cleaning techniques with the supernatural elements that it was dealing with. It had some classroom and interpersonal drama mixed in with some monster fights. There's comedy and drama and romance. There's some backstories thrown in. And it all climaxes in an amazing way that makes you want to read the sequel series. The pacing was good. The artwork was good. The character arcs were good. The world-building was good. I don't know if I'd consider any of it truly "great," but it was all pretty good and enjoyable.

This author does lean into the patriarchy-based romance tropes of men being handsy and clearly feeling entitled to touching women and intruding on their personal space (and that being interpreted as them being dreamy heartthrobs). I do appreciate the implication at the end that Kyutaro isn't necessarily interested in controlling Fumi (or at least not as interested in controlling fem as the bad guy is). It should also probably be mentioned that Fumi is portrayed as being largely self-sufficient and not entirely dependent on the men around fem, though that aspect is perhaps undermined by the fact that Fumi is using feir resourcefulness and whatnot to try to achieve a Cinderella outcome (of marrying a rich man). Also, I think the series is intentionally having Kyutaro be skilled in cooking and housekeeping as a way to subvert some of the old-timey expectations within the patriarchy regarding gender roles. So it's not as though there isn't any nuance or positive parts in how male/female elements are portrayed; it's just that there are still some problematic parts that should be kept in mind while reading.

7/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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BurntT0ast's avatar
Jan 20, 2022

Frankly speaking when l started this series l kinda dreaded trying to read it because l quickly just wanted to get into Queen’s Quality. Honestly l read the 1st chp & then put it on hold because l got distracted & became uninterested.
HOWEVER, this series. This series. Omg IT WAS SOO GOOD.
Like l did not expect to like it as much as l ended up doing. And maybe lm over exaggerating but l think l very slightly teared up at chp 15. Idk, l just rlly ended up enjoying the series. It did a good job at setting up stuff for Queen’s Quality.

Additionally the artwork is quite pretty to look at, & im thankful to the author for putting so much effort in the panels, I appreciate their hardwork.

If you’re thinking of reading this but are still unsure l say go for it! These 15 chps were incredibly engaging & fun to read!!

10/10 story
9/10 art
9.5/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Vermelle2003's avatar
Oct 9, 2019

Loved this story! The concept is very unique and the author does a good job explaining everything without bogging down the flow of the story. The relationship between the main characters is also very sweet. The story does cut off suddenly - the author ended this series abruptly and continues it in Queen's Quality.

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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