Pumpkin Night - Reviews

Pumpkin Night
fnaftheory's avatar
Oct 24, 2022

First and foremost, this story includes: racism (specifically rampant anti-blackness), homophobia, transphobia, slurs of every kind, and things such as attempted assault played for laughs. Whether this is all on the author or added by the translator, it's impossible to avoid if you read the English version so keep that in mind.

The concept and main character, Naoko, have a lot of potential and honestly the idea of a wild pumpkin killer girl drew me in, and her personality really sold me on her. And I do give points for it. However, it went from what felt like a horror comedy that liked excessive gore and fan service, to getting more and more ridiculous and questionable. And I'm not just referring to the points above, the plot is already thin and that's ok, but it gets extremely ridiculous as it goes on. 

It's hard to really enjoy a story when every page either spouts a childish joke or says trans people shouldn't exist and mocks black people. I know there's a good chance this is all due to the translator, but you can't keep saying "well that's just the translator's opinion and it's not part of the story"

 Naoko's story was interesting, and I kept reading to see what would happen, but it just got worse and nothing is worth sitting through all the unbearable parts. And yes I understand dark humor and intense stories, but this was just too much for me personally and it felt like a 4Chan user was writing a darkfic with as many shocking, offensive and gross scenes as possible.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
1.2/10 overall
KildarX's avatar
Mar 31, 2023

A pretty good slasher manga. 

Avoid the translation by Chillock, it's full of trashy edgelord humor.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
velology's avatar
Dec 19, 2018

Great if you want a really gory manga with an insane revenge-driven girl who wears a pumpkin helmet. The overall story is pretty boring and predictable, but the art is to die for (and Naoko is p cute).

5/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
7/10 overall
Misoony's avatar
Apr 9, 2024

The best thing about this manga is the art, aside from that, nothing really stands out to me. The main reason I'm reading it is because the scenes are fun to draw while I'm bored in class with my friends. If you're going to read this, check out the translation beforehand since there is one full of bad things. The one I'm reading doesn't have that sort of stuff.

The story is pretty predictable, being the antagonist wants to get revenge for what's happened to her, and she gets revenge in brutal ways. While all the other characters are pretty eh, I can barely even remember them. They're mostly just there for the sake of it. So for the story and characters, I'd say it's pretty eh.

It's mostly the art and the gore that this manga is good at. The giant pumpkin head on the girl's face while she's acting crazy is pretty funny looking. Everything is well drawn and even though the story may not be unique, with the art it does make things more exciting. So if I was just rating this for it's art, I'd rate it high.

I'd mostly just suggest this if you're looking for a gory horror manga. It's kind of a manga that's so ridiculous that it's entertainining.

4/10 story
10/10 art
4/10 characters
6/10 overall
panda567's avatar
May 6, 2023

This is something you'd read if you just want to turn your brain off and read about a cute girl being over-the-top violent. The writing is nothing new or deep or creative. It's also quite ridiculous most of the time (I can only suspend my disbelief so much). 

The artwork is cute, but as some other comments have outlined, the bigotry is quite off-putting. I will give it the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to awful translation, but after reading the actual story, most people would probably get the feeling that it's meant to be hateful.

1/10 story
7/10 art
5/10 characters
4/10 overall
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